Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Blogging Content

Decisions Have Been Made

Decision number 1: You want to create a blog. 

Decison number 2:  A topic has been found that you are passionate about (or you wish to monetise, let's be honest here, a lot aof people perceive blogging as their road to fortune!)

Decision number 3: Your target audience has been defined

Decision number 4: HELP!! What do you write about?

This is where your writers block has now decided to kick in I'm sure. When you first get the idea of blogging, it all seems so easy, the ideas are abounding in your head, you can't stop thinking of what you want to tell the world!!  However, when it comes to putting pen to paper, this is when they suddenly stop flowing.

One strategy that I like to follow is to set out a PLAN

By setting out a plan, you are beginning to gather your ideas together.

I've found an article that helps you organise your thoughts by looking at the following topics:

  • why are you writing your blog?
  • who are your ideal customers?
  • which of your competitors have blogs?
  • what keywords are you targeting?
  • where will you distribute your blog?
  • how will you promote your blog content?
  • are you solely responsible for your blog, or do you have help?
  • how many blog posts can you commit to?
  • how are you going to monitor your results (metrics)?

If you're interested in reading more about each of these topics, and getting your content strategy started, check out this article by Will Blunt on HubSpot blogs now.

How to create a blog


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